How we help with your ADHD

Removing Obstacles

We all have places in our life where we are blocked. Working together, we will identify those blocks and find ways for you to overcome them.

Be Your Best Self

Life is full of opportunities, and it is my job to help you figure out which opportunities to take advantage of in order to live the life you want. 

Live Your Dreams

When you choose to live a dream, you need a plan to make it come true. Once you have a plan, a coach will help you stick to it and get around any obstacles.


Manoj Yadava is an individual who has explored various professional departments in life. He migrated to Australia in the early 90’s and covered an array of sectors including Hospitality, Computers, Finance and finally carved out a career with the Federal Government. He worked for the Federal Government for over 20 years in various roles from Management, Team-leading to working as part of a major change program to deliver IT projects in a timely manner. Over a career line of two decades, Manoj holds experience and expertise from the subjective view of an individual with ADHD. Upon diagnosis, he studied ADHD Coaching from ADDCA in New York. Manoj has been successfully running an ADHD Coaching practice in Melbourne for 4 years and is a passionate advocate for the ADHD Community.

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What is ADHD Coaching?

Attention Coach -Manoj works closely with clients who have ADHD or ADHD-like symptoms. We provide a collaborative and safe environment in order to address specific obstacles and help clients meet their personal goals. 

Many ADHD coaching methods these days focus on the biological foundation of ADHD by looking only at core symptoms of the disorder; impulsive behaviour, lack of concentration and hyperactivity. Manoj however, addresses the vocational, academic, interpersonal and emotional life...

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My Life Code and Values

I'm done with the Shame

No Blame, shame or Judgment.
I've had enough in my journey.

I'm done being Scared

No More FOMO -

Fear Of Missing Out. 

I've killed FOPO

Fear Of Other People's Opinion.

Changed it to JOMO

Joy of Missing Out.

From now on I

Make a difference whenever and wherever I can.

I will respect each and everyone whatever their beliefs and values.


Still Have Questions?


Leave your message below, and I’ll reach out to see how we can best connect and start you down the path to your ADHD journey.

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