Random Library

Who's to Blame? random rhymes Aug 23, 2022

Am I strange ... yeh
Am I to blame ... yeh
Am I lame .., yeh
Drama queen ... yeh
Attention seeker ... hell yeh
People pleaser ... fuckin earth
Your words actually have very little impact ... now yet you persist ...
I do not wish you to resist
As I would prefer to coexist
That was my message to me
As I was bei...

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Who knows? random rhymes Aug 21, 2022

The photos in my phone
Give a tiny insight to my mind
That it’s not all right
So now I know I met Tom
In May 2012
He had a bro
Who was a ho
We had but one week
And then he left me
It was passion and it was all fun
The last dinner
I drive RV

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My Head random rhymes Aug 19, 2022

My head and me
I do not talk of my shiny
But what’s below that
I live in my head
And the landscape of dread
To the outside world
The colour is red
As that’s the flag
That they see
Of one who broke promised
Yet another appointment
It’s me
Who thought Zero
Would make us a hero
But that we are
The numbers don...

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The Past random rhymes Aug 16, 2022

What I fear
Be clear
When I drank wine
Before the 12 step
And the reflect
And the mental disinfect
Life was simple
A Pack of winnies
And  the 4 liter cask
Was the only ask
By the end of the night
We were all so bright
We shared lots of love
My mates were great
No one I know cared
From where I came
Or if I was bor...

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Gaurav random rhymes Aug 13, 2022

You are a son
A brother and a man
ADHD is but one small flash
In a pan
Take a pause
Just because
You are causing pain
To the ones that love you
For no gain
Goa  is just a shiny thing
And let’s her real
There is no bling
Remember the last rescue
The walls were black
Your wrist was cut
There are no mates there
But th...

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Hangover random rhymes Aug 11, 2022

I miss the prediction
Of the addiction
The toilet bowl at dawn
The claw for the pill
It’s always the same drill
Then the shame
And the mental pain
As you reach
To fix yet again
The flames that you lit
It’s totally fine
If the impact is only to me
But I always hurt
People that care
And that is not fucking fair

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Life is Unfair random rhymes Aug 08, 2022

Life is unfair that much is clear
And perhaps now is better
And we are meant to face this fear
So that it’s not only the near and dear that we hold dear
We stop and stop the yell
And face the real reason
Of this funeral knell
And stop the instant crave
And the desire to be brave
On any reason that makes no s...

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20 Years Ago random rhymes Aug 05, 2022

I yearn for the time
When I drank wine
Before the 12 step
And the reflect
And the mental disinfect
Life was simple
A. Pack of winnies
And the 4 litre cask
Was the only ask
By the end of the night
We were all so bright
We shared lots of love
My mates were great
No one I know cared
From where I came
Or if I was born...

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Peel Events random rhymes Aug 03, 2022

It was a time when you could seal
A deal without the feel
To heal I just went to peel
And it was the same reel
I felt I was in a rut
But realy just a Slut
Tom. Harry and Dick
I let no one stick
The nights were full of song
And usually at the crack of dawn
The last whisky was drunk
But at the moment I remember ...

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Every Post random rhymes Aug 01, 2022

Every post
The information is relentless
It is driving me senseless
For each new input
Requires an appropriate output
But our reactions
Give us no satisfaction
So I shout in fear
At anyone who is near
And I usually hurt those I hold dear
As my voice is just part of the noise
So if I don’t add to the din
Is that...

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Lifecyle random rhymes Jul 30, 2022

The Birth is usually at a specific time and place and called a celebration
And with it - it carries an obligation,
This obligation is a debt that we must pay
Or so they say
This debt carries many a name,
And Is enforceable by a frame
This frame is set by the "same"
As any different we cannot frame
So keep i...

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Pondering random rhymes Jul 28, 2022

Why I Hide
My journey and side
Is the only one I know
And my track record is hardly one of pride
As I mostly hide
In my cocoon of privilege
While the world burns outside
The contradiction of life
Is the paradox I cannot hide?
Am I nothing or am
I everything?
I should change the world
Or just change me?
I should ...

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