Random Library

TBC 4 random rhymes Mar 06, 2021

It was a time when you could seal
A deal without the feel
To heal I just went to peel
And it was the same reel
I felt I was in a rut
But really just a. Slut
Tom. Harry and. Dick
I let no one stick
The nights were full of song
And usually at the crack of dawn
The last whisky was drunk
But at the moment I...

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TBC 3 random rhymes Feb 28, 2021

Stop blaming the label
It’s a fable
The Straight White Male
Is but a Tale
And like Fox News it will fail
Cause it’s fake
And it’s become an easy recipe to bake
I only base it on what I see
In my life around me
In the opinion of this Fag
This particular tag
Has all me mates who do not hate

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TBC 2 random rhymes Feb 18, 2021

The Fable of the Label
They have to believe
The self righteous crusaders of truth
And yet they have not walked in my shoes
They want to pin a label and fight
With all their might
For what they think Is right
I don’t think they are wrong
But in their zeal to belong
They just empower the strong

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Business random rhymes Feb 13, 2021

Running a Business
Is Not a Swear Word
But listening to some
You'd think that you have taken the plum
They throw it in your face
And go on about their Nobility
And question your ability
It was Jerry that Said - Show me the Money
All I do is in a Faggy Lisp Say
Oo Honey
I like the money too….
But you...

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Advocacy random rhymes Feb 05, 2021

When you advocate
Do you just spread hate
Are you sure your version of right
Will end this plight
What about the victim
Do you know what’s right
Or is your sight
Blinding you to see what’s right
Who is it that you hate?
Is it really the cause that you advocate
Or Is the real reason your own

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Musings random rhymes Jan 23, 2021

I want to be free
To be me
And I don’t want no law
But the majority
Want solidarity
And need a common standard
So I now want a law
That will allow me to be free
So I can be me

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Trumps last Days random rhymes Jan 19, 2021

Whichever side you chose to sit
You foam and spit
But what scares me is the glee
My mates were great
As you condemn the other sides eternal sin
The name of the game is all about how you score and raise your voice to add to the noise
You are now sharpening your knives
Yelling to stew the fascist hides

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TBC 1 random rhymes Jan 04, 2021

The  intelligent wise
In every land
Played the tune
And mocked the meek
The shy geek
And labelled them a freak
They stood proud and loud
And made the labels
Nouns and pronouns
In every case the cause was just
and they found the blood lust
In self righteous flair
They took the same path
Of the one they...

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Social Media and Mental Health random adhd Oct 09, 2020

The uprising of social media has opened up a new virtual world that globally connects various people from all around the world. Social media fundamentally changed the way we communicate and express ourselves. From emoticons to slangs, or altered pictures, although a plethora of pros were...

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Why do we need attention management? random adhd Oct 09, 2020

We live in a globally inter-connected era where there is a constant social need to know and be informed. Despite being socially intelligent beings and highly superior in nature, the very network that connected us somehow overtook our position and we willingly handed it over.  

The new...

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Understanding ADHD random adhd Oct 08, 2020

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, or better known as ADHD, is a very common neurodevelopmental disorder that is often diagnosed at much later stages of life. Children and adults who are often diagnosed with ADHD may seem to be overactive, impulsive or easily distracted. This, however, does...

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The ADHD Brain random rhymes Jun 30, 2020

The ADHD Brain
You who work so hard
Yet se no reward
You sit and try
Again and Again
But your brain
Has a new plan
Another rush another ride
Did you consider this side?
People say just try
Stop the cry
Across the world people die
So now the Mask
So that when you ask
I can deflect
It gives me no chance to...

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